
The Covid Chronicles

How have you coped? What’s got you through?

Would you like to tell your story?

Stories create community, enable us to see through the eyes of others and open us to the claim of others

Peter Forbes

I’m fascinated by peoples stories and the way we thrive and survive through challenging times. I believe everyone has a story tell about their experience of living through a pandemic. Each story teaches us something about ourselves and others. We are in a unique time in history, when connecting and understanding others is needed now more than ever, this is what has led me to want to write the Covid Chronicles.

About Me

I’m a qualified copy and content writer and I have a degree in creative writing. I have experience of writing for the stage and of performing as both a poet and a stand up comedian; writing has always been, and always will be my first love and passion. I’m able to offer my services as a content and copywriter as well as for more creative ventures such as scriptwriting and ghost-writing. For more about me click here

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you

Mayo Angelou